

Tina’s Sapphire Mileage anniversary (450k)

After a cracking nights sleep and 5 minutes of employing the point-and-it-will-fix technique, we hit the road again. The destination is Speyer in Germany but we will take a slightly longer route to go through Luxembourg, a country none of us have been to before. After about 30 minutes of driving I noticed a slightly different sound being produced by the engine compared to previous days. A bit like what I imagine a fan would…

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3…2…1… Launch

After England’s defeat last night it’s safe to say I may have had one too many beers, and did not wake up this morning feeling fresh and ready for the longest drive of my life. Luckily Harry doesn’t care too much for football and picked up my broken pieces, and I arrived to the departure point with most of the organising done. A mere 20 minutes later than scheduled we set off, with our official…

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“You won’t make it…”

The single most said phrase when I mention this expedition and then introduce Tina. Variations include: “That will breakdown before you cross the channel” “16,000 miles you must be joking, you’ll be lucky to get 16” “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Do we think they are wrong? To an extent, yes. Above is the unpopular opinion puffin, made internet famous by meme culture. Our ambitious hopes about the success of the taxi aren’t necessarily unpopular, they are just shared by…

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Countdown to T Day

So I did it. I bought a London Taxis International TX1 black cab. I said I would, and I did. Well, not quite accomplished. The next step is to drive it from Sheffield, UK, to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. And then maybe back again. Thats a problem for later. Myself and three friends, Russell, Tom (AKA Smithy) and Harry are going to embark on an adventure to drive the 17 year old rust-bucket across 7 time zones…

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